The Eternal Word of God

Jun 30, 2023

IBBC considers KJV as the official Bible. We believe that it is the chosen written testimony and the physical representation of the inspired Word of God. There is no question that God used this Bible for centuries and today we continue to observe its effect in the lives of people.

IBBC believes in the inspiration of God’s Word by the Holy Ghost to all original writers and authors. The Holy Spirit directly inspired these writers by using their individual uniqueness. Then they transcribed the inspired words, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the form of scrolls and books we have today. 

The inspired word had to be preserved in written and physical form for our sake. Because it was made by man; it will eventually get old, deteriorate, and get lost; but the Holy Spirit protects God’s Word in physical form that we still enjoy it today. I am sure God expected the translating and the printing efforts to produce some errors. If the inspired Word of God is only in the pages of the written Bible, the eternal Word of God will not be preserved forever. God should have preserved all the original manuscripts, but He did not. There is no need because God’s Word is eternally preserved throughout eternity.

The Main agent of the Bible is the Holy Spirit. He inspired the original authors and guided them to express God’s words in a language understood by man. It is the Holy Spirit who keeps, protects, and preserves the Word. The HS gives life to the physical Bible. He is the source of power with unction from above. Without the working of the Holy Spirit the Bible in written form has no power. Without Him we will not have the inspired and the preserved Word of God.

Historically, KJV is the most used, most circulated, and the most printed Bible in many centuries. It was the Bible chosen by God to declare His will to men. The same way He chose the children of Israel to be the nation and family where the Messiah would have to be born as a man. Through the written copies, we can now hold it with our hands, we can read, know and understand the will of God, whom we cannot see. It is the same with the local Church as the body of Christ. We honor, respect, and magnify the Bible: but it is not worthy of our worship. We only worship the true and living God.

We must continue to place the physical Bible above everything we have; but we cannot and should not limit God by declaring that He will only use KJV to save the losts and declare the truth. I know of some who honestly believe that no one will get saved if KJV is not used in soul winning. Some believe that the Holy Spirit will not move if KJV is not the Bible being used. If that is true, why did God not save those people who heard the preaching from KJV by Pastors or Elders in the Mormon and INC churches? 

There are other versions of Bibles that are inferior and orhers claiming superiority than KJV. Why should it matter if the pure, inspired, and unadulterated Word of God is permanently preserved in the person of the Holy Spirit. It is He who guides us into all truth. 

I am convinced that God will use any Bible, as much as He uses a sinful and unworthy man like me and you to convey His message. He can divinely translate, transport His Word perfectly as it is preached and taught by God’s unworthy, imperfect servants and men of God.

Our trust must not only be resting on KJV, a book printed by man but on the perfectly preserved Word of God that has always been present in all eternity. The written word is a physical revelation of what has been forever presrved. 

The purpose of God’s Word is to reveal Jesus Christ, the Living Word. The Holy Spirit was sent to glorify Him as the Son of God. His other task is to transform the believers into Christ-likeness. All the works of the Holy Spirit give glory to Jesus Christ who came to please, reveal, and glorify the Heavenly Father. 


Is the written revelation made by men more superior and more important than the children of God? Should we give more honor to the written Bible more than the Living One? Should we give KJV and the Jesus Christ equal honor and respect? If that is the case who can say that KJV should not to be worshipped? 

If KJV is perfect and without error, what particular copy would be kept in eternity? Is it the 1611 or 1769? I know to some of us it would be difficult to accept that over 30,000 changes were made to KJV through the centuries. The written word is still needed today but the true Word of God abides forever. No physical Bible can ever replaced what has been there for all eternity.

Psalm 119:89 KJV

[89] For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.