Sep 17, 2024

1 Timothy 1:16

Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

Who’s the most evil person to ever live? Hitler? Caligula? Jack the Ripper? Charles Manson? Attila the Hun? The apostle Paul?

You read that right. In inspired Scripture, Paul of Tarsus claimed to be the worst of all sinners (see 1 Timothy 1:15).

Apparently Paul viewed himself in this way because of his pre-conversion participation in arresting and killing the followers of Jesus. Unlike a one-time crime of passion, Paul undertook a cold, calculated campaign built on fierce religious hatred.

The memories of this old life always seemed to fill Paul with regret. But they also filled him with wonder at the infinite patience of God.

No sins are too great. No sinner who humbles himself will ever be turned away. God longs to bless, not judge (see 2 Peter 3:9). 


• I am patient and merciful.

• I forgive and give eternal life.


You show mercy, O Lord. Thank you for not treating me as my sins deserve. You are patient toward sinners. Help me use my testimony to encourage others to seek your mercy and grace. I know that what you have done in my life, you will do for others. Amen.