The Household of Faith

Jun 5, 2024

Galatians 6:10 - “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

In Galatians chapter 6, the Apostle Paul focuses on the believers' responsibility to reach out to those in need of help. He encouraged the Galatian believers to help the weak and the afflicted, not out of duty, but because of their love for the Lord. All God’s children must naturally manifest God's grace and love by bearing the burden of others.

We have a loving and merciful God who offers His grace to all who believe. He treats His children without preferring one from the other. But being just does not mean ignoring the faithfulness of those who are committed and tolerating the disobedience of others. God’s justice rewards righteousness and punishes evil. 

Similarly, we ought not to be selective of anyone to help. Our desire to help must be towards all, irrespective of status. However, in the act of charity, we must be prudent in our decisions and not simply be moved by impulse and emotion without considering those in need within the body of Christ.

In our text, Paul emphasizes the importance of the household of faith. He does not consider the need of one against the other. Paul is pointing out to the believers, including us today, the important responsibility of the household of faith or the body of Christ to come out united and strong to be more effective in reaching everyone with the love of the Lord.

Together, we can be strong in the Lord to extend kindness to all. What one can do could not be compared to the combined effort, unity, and power of many. The Holy Spirit empowered the body of Christ to spread the gospel to the whole world. God mandated us to be witnesses and to declare the glorious gospel to the total man and all men. We have a great responsibility to help everyone.

Therefore, It is incumbent for us to be strong together as a church and not let anyone among us be weak and discouraged. Every member of the body must be strong and healthy to effectively fulfill the tasks given to us. While pursuing to help others, we must always be mindful of anyone in the household of faith who becomes weak, unstable, and lost. Let us reach out and bear their burden to lighten their loads and get them back to the tasks God has given the body of Christ to fulfill. 

Our Prayer for today:

Our Father, You have called us together as a local, visible body to be united in caring for one another. This is not meant for us to ignore others and feel entitled and privileged but to encourage ourselves to be strong, equipped, and more effective in reaching out to all those in need of the glorious message of salvation. May we never neglect the condition of everyone in the household of faith because of our desire to reach the world. Please move us to help those who are weak and struggling among us so they can be strong and work together to declare with a powerful voice that You are the Savior and the source of all help. In Jesus' name, Amen!