The Good fight of faith

Jun 10, 2024

1 Timothy 6:12 - Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

The Christian life is in a constant battle. Not because we are always looking for fights but because our enemies are bent on hindering and stopping our service to our Lord. God’s Word has always warned us to be “sober and vigilant because our adversary, the devil, is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” 

No time or day exists that we are not the target of the devil’s scheme and devices. As believers, we must always be ready to fight by keeping ourselves strong and armored to pursue our tasks. If we stop fulfilling the very purpose of our life here, we will end up in a sure defeat while the faithful ones are claiming victories.

Despite the fierceness of the battles, our fight remains a good fight. As the enemy desires to defeat us, God desires to show His power and love to the world by telling us to be strong and faithful. It is a good fight because God is on our side, and the very reason is to proclaim and manifest God's grace and righteousness to the lost. 

The Christian life is dynamic. It is always on the go to pursue God’s will and obey His commands. We must not lose sight of the goal set before us. It is a fight of faith that guarantees us the victory already secured and fulfilled when our Lord Jesus Christ rose again from the dead.

Because it is a good fight of faith, we ought to maintain our testimony and hold tight to the glorious and eternal promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a blessing to think that we are not anymore fighting for victory, for the battle has already been won. We are fighting not out of desperation to win but to show our resolve to finish the mandate God has given us. 

Let us be encouraged to keep fighting and pursuing God in life and faithful service for His glory! 

Our Prayer for Today:

Dear God and Heavenly Father, thank you for the courage and boldness you've given us to continue fighting the good fight of faith. Please help us not to let fears, doubts, and selfish desires control our hearts and turn this into a bad fight. We ask for your guidance in Jesus' name. Amen!