The Hearing of Faith

Jun 4, 2024

June 4

Straight from the Pastor’s Heart by Dr.Hernes Abante

“The Hearing of Faith”

Galatians 3:2, 5 - “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 

[5] He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”

The Bible says faith “cometh by hearing the Word of God.” Faith is God's enabling act to allow man to know Jesus Christ and live according to His will. Our salvation is not the result of our good works and personal decisions (John 1:13). It is totally of God. 

The Holy Spirit is the quickening agent that brings us to the Savior Jesus Christ. He convicts and guides us into the truth solely by His act of grace. Hence, faith is not a product of our good works nor our good intentions or desire to be saved but of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Nor can it be received by so-called “easy believism,” which is not of faith. 

Man, by nature, cannot believe without the Holy Spirit. Faith results from believing in the Person of Jesus Christ as the only Savior. This begins in the heart and opens many doors of incredible inward realization and changes, including repentance. There is no genuine acceptance of guilt and no realization of the seriousness of sins without repentance, which is also a product of faith.

Because the “Hearing of faith” is from God, it gives every believer a greater understanding of God’s mercy and grace. It is not simply hearing the gospel but knowing and realizing the preciousness of the gospel and what it took Jesus Christ to give it to us freely. The hearing of faith results in man’s acceptance of his sinful condition and the desire to live a new life in Christ. 

The hearing of faith is supposed to be active in every believer, leading us to be doers of the Word. The faith of Jesus does not lose its power. When we find ourselves weak, it is not because of the faith that Jesus gives is weak. It is because our natural faith is not fully surrendered to the faith of Christ. It is because our flesh chooses not to enjoy the privilege God gives. 

The hearing of faith allows our natural faith to submit and be one with the faith of the Son of God. Let us, therefore, be sensitive to hearing God’s word and see His faith working through us and in us. Let us commit to produce in us the works of faith and put into action and practice what we have been instructed to do. 

Our prayer for today!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the “hearing of faith” that helps us get saturated by Your Word and for our natural faith to be strong and constantly submit to the Faith of Jesus Christ. This is the only way we can see Christ's wonderful and mighty works through us. Amen!