The Prayer of Faith

Jun 12, 2024

James 5:15 - “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

The Prayer of faith is a beautiful act of worship that engages every part of our being: spirit, soul, and body. This divine privilege allows us to come into the presence of God with complete humility, bringing our entire selves before Him. It must be accompanied by the attitude of fasting, where we deliberately distance ourselves from distractions and wholeheartedly focus on honoring and worshipping God. 

We can only communicate with God through the sincere and unwavering prayer of faith. This form of worship is a divine language to connect with God in our present lives and for all eternity. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, during His time on earth, demonstrated the importance of prayer by regularly praying to the Father. 

Nobody can become an expert in praying. We must pray to God in humility and liken unto the faith of a child, totally embracing His presence and thankful for the privilege. 

When we pray without faith, our words lack the power to effect change. They become hollow and meaningless. True prayer is rooted in faith, drawing its strength from the presence of the Holy Spirit. Without His divine presence, our prayers are reduced to mere recitations, devoid of real power.

In eternity, the prayer of faith goes beyond mere requests. Instead, it becomes a vehicle for expressing endless gratitude and everlasting worship towards God. In heaven, prayer serves as a means to offer continual worship, praise, and thanks to God. It embodies an eternal posture of humility and boundless gratitude.

The prayer of faith is a powerful connection to God's will. When we pray with faith, we align our hearts and desires with God's perfect plan. It's not about informing God of our needs or trying to get our way but about expressing our trust in His wisdom and transforming our desires to match His will. This kind of prayer is an acknowledgment of our dependency on God and an expression of our willingness to be led by Him.

Our Prayer for today:

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for bestowing us the incredible privilege of approaching Your divine presence with our unwavering prayers. May we always cherish and remember this gracious opportunity to demonstrate our humble reliance on Your guidance and our heartfelt longing to follow Your divine purpose. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen!