The Faith of Ezra

Jan 17, 2024

Ezra 7:10 - “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.”

Ezra's book revolves around the Israelites after their captivity in Babylon. The remarkable Prophet Ezra, being their spiritual leader and priest, led the faithful remnants with utmost devotion and commitment towards seeking the law of the Lord. His gratitude to God for the freedom bestowed by King Artaxerxes of Persia to worship in Jerusalem was well-reflected in his actions.

One bold person can indeed be the catalyst of change. There are times when people hesitate to come forward, but a fearless and determined leader can inspire them to join the fight for change. This act of courage not only emboldens others but also strengthens their resolve to bring about a positive transformation.

The ministry is not about the rule of the majority. It is the influence and the testimony of one willing to stand on the gap alone to pursue the will of God. What is needed is total surrender and commitment of only one faithful individual to the Lord. 

Today, we are witnessing an alarming rise in wickedness, causing many believers to keep their faith hidden. Many are afraid of facing intimidation and threats, while others have chosen to abandon God and abandon their ministry altogether. 

Amidst such circumstances, some have been subjected to oppression and have become too scared to turn back to God. On the other hand, some have become comfortable with worldly conveniences and luxuries, thereby losing sight of God's mandate and forgetting the desire to live and serve according to His will.

Ezra, a man of great faith and devotion, had set his mind to accomplish three important goals. Firstly, he prepared his heart by purifying his thoughts and emotions to be receptive to God's guidance and wisdom. 

Secondly, he diligently studied and followed the law of God, seeking to deepen his understanding of its teachings and to apply them to his daily life. 

Finally, he committed himself to fulfilling whatever God commanded him to do and sharing these teachings with the people of Israel so that they, too, could live according to God's will. Through his unwavering dedication to these principles, Ezra became a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those around him.

He didn't make a sudden decision. He took his time to consider the consequences and thoroughly understand God's laws. During his preparation, he devoted himself to studying God's Word. He seemed to do everything simultaneously rather than one thing at a time. He acted on his intense desire immediately. 

His decision was the result of careful consideration and faith. He committed to put into practice everything he had learned and to follow God's instructions. His concern was not just for himself; he also instructed his people to do the same.

Ezra and the group of exiles who had been allowed to return to their homeland after many years of captivity were presented with a new chance at life. They could have easily gotten caught up in the excitement of their newfound freedom, indulged in the newfound opportunities, and completely forgotten God, who had allowed them to be taken captive in the first place. However, they chose a different path. They were determined to reconnect with God and return to the land of their ancestors despite the challenges and difficulties ahead. 

The courage and conviction displayed by Ezra in his unwavering faith is truly remarkable and inspiring. It serves as a reminder for all of us to cultivate a similar level of faith and dedication in our lives. Moreover, we should be willing to stand alone in our beliefs if necessary, just as Ezra did, even if it means going against society's prevailing opinions.

Our Prayer for today:

Our Mighty Lord, though we may feel trapped in this world with its many restrictions and persecutions against us, we know that we are empowered by Your grace and mercy to overcome all obstacles. Instead of cowering in fear, we see these difficulties as opportunities to reveal Your power and love through us. As many have surrendered to worldly comfort and pleasure, we stand firm in our faith and refuse to compromise. We boldly ask for Your revival to start in us and use us to ignite a fire in others, no matter how few may be willing. Thank You for the life of Ezra, and we pray that we may follow his example of unwavering dedication to You. In the mighty name of Jesus, we declare our confidence and trust in You. Amen!