There Is No Neutrality In Christ

May 5, 2023

Pastors and Christian counselors who are handling objective and established Biblical truths and moral values cannot be neutral and to not take side.

In Biblical morality and doctrinal truth there is no such thing as being neutral. It is because the truths are absolutes. We always define neutrality to mean not to take either side of opinion, but to always remain neutral. 

In actualIty there are not only two sides of opinions. There are always three sides: 

1. The side of apparently right, the party who claims no guilt.

2. The side of obviously wrong, the absolutely guilty and morally responsible.

And - 

3. The side of the absolute truth, which is God’s position and the perfect place to be.

The book of Deuteronomy and Joshua made it so crisply clear that we must not turn to the left or to the right. We need to remain on the position of absolute righteousness, which is God’s.

As God-fearing people, we are expected to provide direction and correct advice. It is vital that we must always take the true and right path, which is #3 - God’s side. It is not actually on the side, but at the center, true path paved for us by the Almighty God. 

That means we must not lose sight of God’s will and desire but be strong in grace as we counsel people in the midst of emotional turmoil and volatility of the present situations. Our goal is to bring men, not to where we are but to where God is.

A true Christian counselor cannot take credit since he has no side to claim and defend or brag about. He is not promoting any of the opposing sides or create his own. He is simply declaring, pursuing, and magnifying the will of God. 

For one to take the side of the apparently right can sometimes be risky for there is likelihood that the party’s accountability is not addressed. There can also be a tendency for the apparently right person become self-righteous, self-absorbed, proud, and worst become arrogant.

Similarly, to take the side of the obviously wrong is totally unjust and irresponsible. It does not promote righteousness. 

In order for a Pastor or a counselor to be just and fair, he needs to remain (not neutral) but to consistently stay on God’s side, which is the truth. 

Both opposing parties therefore have to be willing to change and the Pastor or counselor to prayerfully guide them (by God’s grace) to move, leave the side where they are and take the path of God or the truth, thereby giving all the glory not to anyone but only to our Great, sovereign, and just God and Savior Jesus Christ.


In the case of marital or family conflict, the counselor must first determine and know the will of God about the issue they are facing. 

Next, determine where the opposing parties stand: 

1.Are they standing on the right and on the solid foundation where the Lord is? 

2.If they claim they are right and they might be. Are they being humble before God and men or are they being judgmental and self righteous? 

3.How about the source of trouble, is he aware of his mistakes. Are they clearly in the wrong side that they need to confess and repent? 

The goal of a Christian counselor is to firmly stand where God and righteousness is and to strongly rebuke and encourage both parties to leave their sides of ungodliness and of self-righteousness to move to the right path where the Lord always remain. That is an act of true repentance. Change of mind, heart, and direction.  

Prayer: My gracious Father, remind us to always stay where you are, not during the times we need you for substance, strength, and comfort but especially when we find ourselves before the crossroads of life and opinion. 

Help us understand that our own will may look right but we need to always be in your perfect will. Like your Son Jesus, who had a perfect humanity but He was willing to surrender His will to only obey and subject Himself to follow His Father’s will.

Thank you Father for your absolute truths and standard of morality. Give us strength not to move away from these absolute standard of righteousness. 

I pray in Jesus Name! Amen!