The Measure and proportion of faith

Apr 15, 2024

Romans 12:3, 6 - “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 

[6] Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;…”

The “measure of faith” describes the amount of faith we receive from God to demonstrate the power of Christ working within us. It is important to note that every believer receives the same quantity and quality of faith when they receive the Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, the “proportion of faith” is the level of trust we possess in fulfilling the tasks God has assigned to us. The proportion of faith can vary depending on the specific role or function we are called to fulfill. This means that some individuals may require a more significant proportion of faith to fulfill their duties, while others may need less.

All true believers are blessed with this powerful gift - the faith of Jesus Christ. It is a gift that can move mountains and is alive and dynamic. However, like any other gift, it requires exercise and nurturing to grow and increase. With this, we have been given the freedom and the responsibility to choose what pleases God or ourselves. This divine opportunity calls for our utmost obedience, gratitude, and devotion.

Let's focus on nurturing our faith instead of comparing it with others. By committing to the faith God gives us, we can please Him and fulfill His desires. It's essential to avoid measuring our faith based on the results, as God gives and blesses us. Our responsibility is to obey Him faithfully. When we depend on His faith, we can be sure that the results that please and glorify Him will follow.

It is important to remember that God never asks us to do something that we cannot achieve. Through Christ, we are capable of accomplishing anything. It does not necessarily mean we lack faith if we find ourselves weak and unable. Instead, it indicates that we are not fully surrendering to Him. By submitting to Christ and allowing His faith to manifest, we can unleash its power and achieve great things.

Our Prayer today:

Dear Lord, I humbly ask for your guidance and strength to surrender to the faith you bestowed upon me. Help me to trust in Your divine plan and to follow Your will with a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. I seek Your grace and mercy to overcome any doubts or fears hindering my walk with You. Please fill me with Your love and peace and empower me to live a life that glorifies Your holy name. Amen. You for equipping me with the power to fulfill everything You tasked me to do. May I learn not to depend on my ability and wisdom but on You alone. You have given me the right measure and proportion of faith enough to be victorious, which I must cherish and enjoy. Amen!