The Lord Knoweth Them That Trust In Him

Feb 5, 2024

Nahum 1:7 - “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”

The prophet Nahum focuses on the inevitable judgment of Nineveh, continuing the storyline that commenced in the Book of Jonah. The year was 760 BC when God sent Jonah to Nineveh with a message of hope and repentance for the Assyrian people. The message was well-received, and the people repented for a while. However, a century later, during the time of Nahum, the Assyrians had reverted to their former bullish ways. They had conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and used their power to assert their dominance over Judah in the south. 

Jonah's message failed to recognize what Nahum reminded the people of Judah - God's justice is always accurate and invariably certain. Though He may choose to show mercy at times, it will never compromise His ultimate sense of justice for all.

God revealed His plan to judge the city of Nineveh after two centuries of powerful Assyrian kings and rulers. Although the Lord showed His concern over sin and His willingness to punish those guilty of wickedness, there were also rays of hope amidst the darkness. The people of Judah would have been encouraged by the idea that Nineveh, their primary oppressor for generations, would soon face God's judgment. In an increasingly idolatrous Judah, a small but faithful remnant would have found comfort in God's declarations of slowness to anger (1:3), goodness and strength (1:7), and restorative power (2:2).

Many of us have experienced a sense of being consumed by the negativity within ourselves and the world around us. During Nahum's time, marked by darkness, the small group of faithful individuals must have questioned when evil would end. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? The prophet Nahum reminds us that God continues working even in the darkest times to bring justice and hope across the globe.

God's warning to Nineveh reminds us that He is patient and merciful, allowing every nation to turn towards righteousness. However, we cannot mock God's justice, for any nation that turns away from Him is bound to face destruction. As believers, we must uphold biblical values and share the life-changing message of the gospel, for it is the only hope for any nation seeking true repentance and transformation.

Our Prayer today:

Dear Lord, we have faced times when we felt abandoned, as our enemies seemed to thrive without facing the consequences of their wickedness. However, just as You showed Jonah in his time, through Nahum, You have reminded us that You care. We ask for Your forgiveness for not having faith in Your plan. Our duty is not to question Your ways but to remain steadfast in our obedience. In the name of Christ, we pray, Amen