Why Worry, When You Can Pray

Mar 16, 2024

Philippians 4:6 - ”Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and

supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

The Book of Philippians was authored by the Apostle Paul during his

imprisonment. He wrote this heartfelt letter to the church of Philippi,

expressing gratitude and affection for their unwavering support in his ministry .

In Philippians 4:6, Paul imparts a powerful message: “Be anxious for

nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let

your requests be made known to God.” The inspiration behind this verse lies

in Paul’s own experiences. Despite being imprisoned, he maintained

unwavering faith and encouraged the Philippians to do the same. His words

resonate with timeless wisdom, urging believers to cast their anxieties upon

God and find peace through prayer and gratitude.

Do you know why we worry, when God says, we should not? In the

quiet corners of our hearts, where fear and uncertainty often take root, there

exists a sacred space - a place where we wrestle with life’s storms and seek

solace. It’s here that worry finds its foothold, whispering doubts and weaving

threads of anxiety.

But what if we could exchange our fretful thoughts for something more

profound? What if, instead of dwelling on the “what-ifs”, we turned our gaze

upward, toward the One who holds the universe in His hands? Why worry,

why do you let the enemy rules over the situation? Our best weapon to

worries is prayer. Through heartfelt prayers, reflections, and timeless wisdom,

we release the weight of our cares and embrace the peace that surpasses

understanding. We experience the feeling of laying down our burdens, one by

one, at the feet of the Divine.

We are experiencing a journey of trust, where worry transforms into

whispered conversations with the Creator. Let us discover that in the quiet

surrender of prayer, hope blooms, and fear loses its grip.

Have you ever experience feeling sad at the beginning of the day and

your mind dwells on how you could pay your children’s school bills, groceries,

house rent, in-laws asking for financial help, friends who betrayed you, paper

works in the office, etc. This list goes on and on and you feel like the world on

your shoulder? If you keep on thinking all about these, you are a victim of


As Christian, we have an important exhortation from Philippians 4:6.

Most people worry about things three times. First, they worry about them

before they happen. Most things we got worried about never happen.

Secondly, we worry about things after they happen and there is nothing about

we can do to change the past. Thirdly, we worry as they are happening.

So, when life feels overwhelming, remember Paul’s counsel: pray, give

thanks, and trust in God’s providence. Prayer is the forerunner of mercy.

Prayer is always the preface of blessings. Prayer provides hope and creates a

positive sense of meaning. The more we pray, the more we understand and

experience His presence. Psalm 145:18 reminds us that the Lord is near to

those who call upon Him in truth.

Through prayer, we align ourselves with God’s purpose and seek His

guidance. Surrendering our desires and trusting His plan helps us navigate

life’s journey. It’s a way to say, “Not my will, but Yours be done, Lord!.” (Luke


Our Prayer for Today:

Our Almighty God, as we come to your throne of grace, we lift our

hearts in gratitude. You are the God who hears our prayers, the One who

calms our anxious souls. Today, we pondered the weight of worry and the

lightness of trust. May our worries transform into prayers, rising like incense to

Your throne. Teach us Lord to seek You first, because You are our gracious

God who holds the answers, the solutions and the peace of heart. In Jesus

name. Amen.